One Piece | Chapter 1112 “Hard Aspects”

One Piece | Chapter 1112 "Hard Aspects"

One Piece Chapter 1112 is finally here after a three-week break, and fans had high expectations for some major reveals and intense action. However, the chapter, titled “Hard Aspects,” didn’t quite deliver on those fronts.

One Piece ( Don't Let the Emperor "Straw Hat Crew Escape" )
One Piece ( Don’t Let the Emperor “Straw Hat Crew Escape” )
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One Piece (Don’t Let Jewelry Bonney Escape! )

The chapter starts with the Marines issuing several orders to increase their weaponry and ensure that the Emperor and his crew do not escape. It’s refreshing to see Luffy being treated as an Emperor rather than just a pirate.

V. Nusjuro’s Arrival

One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival
One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival

One of the highlights is V. Nusjuro’s arrival on Egghead Island. He single-handedly takes down all the Pacifistas in a matter of seconds, he swiftly deals with 25 Mark III Pacifistas, showcasing his immense power.

One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival
One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival

He continues to subdue the remaining Pacifistas without causing damage, using his ice-related abilities to freeze them. This restraint highlights his strength and control as a samurai. This sets up a potential duel between Nusjuro and Zoro, which fans are eagerly anticipating.

She is no more than a little 12-year-old, and you gave her the power to destroy nations. Your defiance is as foolish as it is insolent, Vegapunk!

by V. Nusjuro’s

One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival
One Piece Chapter 1112 V. Nusjuro’s Arrival

Meanwhile, the chapter also focuses on Jewelry Bonney and her group. Bonney uses her age-altering abilities to defeat a Red King Vice Admiral, adding to the chaotic and fast-paced nature of the chapter.

Ju Peter and Warcury’s Dominance

Chapter 1112 also features combat scenes with Luffy and the Giants against two of the Five Elders, Ju Peter and Warcury. Ju Peter’s suction powers halt their escape, but Luffy counters by lodging a building in Ju Peter’s throat. Despite this, Luffy runs out of energy and reverts to his old state, a recurring issue for him.

Luffy runs out of energy and reverts to his old state
Luffy runs out of energy and reverts to his old state
The Giants provide Luffy with food, reviving him enough to attack Warcury with a Red Roc.
The Giants provide Luffy with food, reviving him enough to attack Warcury with a Red Roc.

The Giants provide Luffy with food, reviving him enough to attack Warcury with a Red Roc. However, Warcury’s tough defenses leave Luffy injured, highlighting the formidable challenge they face. It’s clear that Luffy and the Giants will continue to struggle in the upcoming chapters.

The chapter is packed with different scenarios, jumping from one scene to another, which can feel a bit overwhelming. However, it does set the stage for some exciting developments in the upcoming chapters.

Overall, while Chapter 1112 may not have met all the fans’ expectations, it still offers some intriguing moments and sets up future plotlines. The focus on multiple characters and plot threads makes it a dense read, but it also promises more action and revelations in the chapters to come.

Marcus Mars and the Stream Snail

The chapter opens with the Marines lining up high-pressure gas cylinders, which, if detonated, could destroy all of Vegapunk’s records. Mars decides to check Punk Records and finds the transponder snail. Just before destroying it, he hears bubbling sounds, hinting at a mysterious container nearby. This sets up an intriguing mystery for chapter 1113.

Marcus Mars
Marcus Mars

Mars and York have a conversation, and Mars hears a sound from above, which he believes is coming from a new Den Den Mushi. He goes to investigate, while below,

Mars and York have a conversation
Mars and York have a conversation
Mars and York have a conversation
Mars and York have a conversation

Kaku and Stussy have a conversation. 

Kaku and Stussy have a conversation. 
Kaku and Stussy have a conversation. 

Stussy reveals that she chose to stay behind to complete her last job, which is to shut down the Frontier Dome.

by Kaku and Stussy, In Chapter 1112

Nami’s group encounters Saturn

The scene then shifts to Nami’s group, who are preparing to leave on the Sunny. However, they realize they can’t go far without Vega 401. Edison arrives and assures them to trust him as he starts to fly the Sunny through the barrier. Unfortunately, Robin is seen but doesn’t do much in this arc, which has left some fans disappointed.

Finally, we see Luffy, who is trying to help Dorry and Broggy escape. Jupiter, acting like a giant vacuum, is sucking everything in. Luffy, out of gas again, turns into an old man, which has been a recurring issue for him in various forms. Dorry and Broggy give Luffy some special food from Elbaf, which revives him, but his attack, Red Rock, doesn’t affect Jupiter due to his hard skin.

Nami’s group encounters Saturn
Nami’s group encounters Saturn

The chapter ends with three different scenes involving the Elders. Nami’s group encounters Saturn, Nusjuro stands in front of Bonney, and Mars finds the transporter snail, hearing a bubbling sound that shocks him.


Overall, Chapter 1112 is packed with different scenarios, making it a dense read. While it sets up future plotlines, it may not have met all fans’ expectations.


Is One Piece Chapter 1112 out?

Yes, One Piece Chapter 1112 is available. Fans can read it on platforms like MangaPlus and the Shonen Jump app. The chapter was released on April 21, 2024.

What happened in Chapter 1112 of One Piece? 

In Chapter 1112, significant events unfold on Egghead Island. V. Nusjuro arrives and swiftly deals with the Pacifistas using his ice-related abilities. Jewelry Bonney uses her age-altering powers to defeat a Vice Admiral. Meanwhile, Luffy and the Giants face off against Ju Peter and Warcury, with Luffy struggling against their formidable powers.

What happened in Episode 112 of One Piece? 

Episode 112 of One Piece features Vivi and Karoo trying to stop the Rebel Army and the Royal Army from fighting outside Alubarna city. A Royal Army Guard, who is actually a Baroque Works member, prematurely fires a cannon, adding to the chaos.

When did One Piece Chapter 1112 release?

 One Piece Chapter 1112 was released on Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 11 am EDT. The chapter features the sudden gathering of the Five Elders on Egghead Island, signaling a critical moment in the story.

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